The resource is available online through FIN-CLARIN. This is a frequency lexicon of Finnish word forms that appear in the Finnish Parole text corpus. This is a frequency lexicon available online through FIN-CLARIN.įrequency List of Written Finnish Word Forms The resource is available online through FIN-CLARIN.įrequency Lexicon of the Finnish Newspaper Language This is a frequency lexicon that is constituted of words from Old Literary Finnish text corpus. The resource is available online through FIN-CLARIN.įrequencies of Old Literary Finnish Words This is a frequency lexicon that consists of words from the Old Literary Finnish text corpus.
The resource is available for download through FIN-CLARIN.įrequencies of Early Modern Finnish Words This is a wordlist that contains Finnish verbal “colorative” (i.e., stylistically marked) constructions. The resource is available for online browsing. This is a controlled vocabulary of several more-and-less related concepts (e.g., gardening, haymaking, weather, fishing, religion). The Conceptual File of Estonian Lexis of the Institute of Estonian Language This is a wordlist that is based on the Estonian orthography of foreign place names. Read more (CELR distribution) and for online browsing. Network of repositories resulting from the META-NET Network of Excellence ( ) This is a frequency list available for download from This wordlist of neologisms is available for online browsing the Dutch Language Institute (INT). The resource is available for download from the Dutch Language Institute (INT).įor the relevant publication, see de Does and Depuydt (2012) This wordlist includes historical lexemes for the period between 15. Wordlists in the CLARIN infrastructure Monolingual resources Corpus This website was last updated on 26 July 2021.
Wordlists are lexical resources which only provide alphabetical or frequency-based lexical inventories.There are 53 wordlists in the CLARIN infrastructure. About half (29) of the wordlists are monolingual, accounting for 10 languages (Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, German, Greek, Maltese, Ngbugu, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish), while the other half (24) include a variety of both bilingual and multilingual language combinations (e.g., English-Greek, French-English-Spanish). In the vast majority of the cases, the wordlists can be directly downloaded from the national repositories or queried through easy-to-use online search environments.įor comments, changes of the existing content or inclusion of new resources, send us an email.